Do you want to live a more driven and purposeful life?
Have you ever thought about how you can use your strengths, interests and core values to guide your journey through life? Creating a life mission statement can enable you to simplify your daily life while making you feel a sense of fulfillment.
In order to develop your mission statement and make your goals more obvious to yourself; I suggest you print out the workbook and begin asking yourself some of the following questions:
Personal Heroes
Who are your heroes in life?
Why do you admire them?
What have they done or said that has inspired you to be a better person?
Do you or your personal heroes have anything in common?
Have they had similar experiences that resonate with you?
Do your heroes have personality traits that you aspire to?
Your True Self
What have you accomplished in life so far?
What contribution have you made to the lives of the people around you?
Reflect on the roles below that you currently have or may have in the future. Write down what your goals are or would be in relation to these roles:
What if…
Imagine you are 100 years old and you’re asked to reflect back on your life.
What experiences do you want to be able to share with others?
Completing a graduate degree?
Starting your own business?
Travelling the world?
Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro?
Having happy or successful children?
Starting a charity for a worthy cause?
Making a million dollars?
Start with the end in mind and work backwards to create a path to bring your dreams to life
Time for a List
List Number 1
Thing you enjoy
Activities you are good at
Favorite hobbies
* *If your mission statement can leverage these skills and talents, you’ll be able to accomplish more!
List Number 2
What do you want to accomplish in life?
Below are some prompts to get brainstorming started:
Alleviate poverty in your city
Fearlessly try new foods, activities or visit new places
Change careers to leverage your favorite hobby
Support aging parents
Be a committed life long learner
Concrete Goal Setting
Seek a professional to resolve issue from childhood
Read a self help or parenting book and apply what you learned
Get involved in your child's daycare or school by volunteering
Read each night to your kiddos
Tell my spouse and/or child “I love you” at least twice a day
In order to guide you to write your mission statement, I have created a workbook to set clear goals and determine your purpose. Developing your mission statement will help you set clear boundaries and a pathways to achieving your hearts desire.
Inhale. Exhale.
